Our Events


WIR colloquium:

Mushroom body memories in Drosophila larvae: from maps to models

Feb 3 2025, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A102 Biocentre
Speaker: Andreas Thum
Affiliation: Department of Genetics, Universität Leipzig


WIR colloquium:

Pollution and Pollination: Using Neuroethology to Investigate Ecological Disruption

July 22 2024, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A102 Biocentre
Speaker: Jordanna D.H. Sprayberry
Affiliation: Biology Department, Muhlenberg College, PA, USA

WIR colloquium:

Insect Research and development in Uganda: progress, challenges and opportunities for collaboration

June 3 2024, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A102 Biocentre
Speaker: Deborah Ruth Amulen
Affiliation: Makerere University, Uganda

WIR colloquium:

How do bees get home again? Methodology to track freely flying bees and reinforcement learning based models of navigation behavior

January 8 2024, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A102 Biocentre
Speaker: Andrew Straw
Affiliation: University of Freiburg


WIR colloquium:

Aggressiveness of the individual bee and the honeybee society

July 3 2023, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A101 Biocentre
Speaker: Tugrul Giray
Affiliation: University of Puerto Rico


WIR colloquium:

Evolution of flower colours in the eye of the be(e)holder

December 5 2022, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A101 Biocentre
Speaker: Casper van der Kooi
Affiliation: University of Groningen, NL & Universität Würzburg

WIR colloquium:

Neural mechanisms of leg proprioception in Drosophila

July 20 2022, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A101 Biocentre
Speaker: Chris Dallmann
Affiliation: University of Washington, Seattle, USA

WIR colloquium:

Olfactory communication in the stingless bee Tetragonula iridipennis

July 12 2022, 15:15
Location: Lecture Hall C001 Biocentre
Speaker: Gifty Jacob
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

WIR colloquium:

Visual ecology of the Asian giant honey bee Apis dorsata

July 11 2022, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A 102 Biocentre
Speaker: Sajesh Vijayan
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research

WIR colloquium:

Postsynaptic plasticity and coherent network oscillations in Drosophila brains

June 13 2022, 17:15
Location: Lecture Hall A 102 Biocentre
Speaker: David Owald
Affiliation: Charité Berlin


WIR virtual colloquium:

Path integration above and below the water's surface

November 22 2021, 17:15
Speaker: Rickesh Patel
Affiliation: Lund University, Sweden

WIR virtual colloquium:

Floralcolour patterns – origin, diversity, functions

September 27 2021, 17:15
Speaker: Klaus Lunau
Affiliation: University of Düsseldorf

WIR virtual colloquium:

Neuroethological background of the European cornborer pheromone system

June 14 2021, 17:15
Speaker: Zsolt Kárpáti
Affiliation: University of Würzburg, Zoology III

WIR virtual colloquium:

Building a wiring diagram for serotonergic neurons

25 Jan 2021, 17:15
Meeting-ID: 968 9981 6719
Speaker: Andrew Dacks
Affiliation: West Virginia University, USA


WIR virtual colloquium:

Peptidergic modulation of Drosophilaphysiology and behavior

16 Nov 2020, 17:15
Meeting-ID: 984 5418 5525
Speaker: Meet Zandawala
Affiliation: Brown University, Providence (RI), USA

WIR virtual colloquium:

Neurophysiological principles and circuit interactions driving neural oscillations to construct sensory gates for sleep regulation in Drosophila

23 July 2020, 17:15
Meeting-ID: 912 9825 5669
Speaker: Davide Raccuglia
Affiliation: Charité, Berlin

WIR colloquium:

Development, maintenance and function of escape circuits: what flies can teach us about neuronal networks, molecules and modulators

03 Feb 2020, 17:15
Location: Lectuer Hall A 102
Speaker: Peter Soba
Affiliation: Zentrum f. Molekulare Neurobiologie, Hamburg

WIR symposium:

Opponent processing in compound eyes

27 Jan 2020, 17:15
Location: Lectuer Hall A 102
Speaker: Gregor Belusic
Affiliation: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

WIR symposium:

Evolution of the eye

20 Jan 2020, 17:15
Location: Lectuer Hall A 102
Speaker: Dan-Eric Nilsson
Affiliation: Lund University, Sweden


WIR colloquium:

Internal state configures olfactory behavior and early sensory processing in Drosophila larva

20 Dec 2019, 13:00
Location: Lectuer Hall A 101
Speaker: Katrin Vogt
Affiliation: Harvard University, USA

WIR colloquium:

Fascinating anomalies: understanding social parasitism by an African honey bee clone

2 Dec 2019, 17:15
Location: Lectuer Hall A 102
Speaker: Yusuf Abdullahi Ahmed
Affiliation: University of Pretoria, South Africa

WIR symposium:

No pain, no gain: Somatosensory encoding of noxious stimuli in Drosophila

23 Sep 2019, 17:15 - 18:30
Location: Lectuer Hall A 102
Speaker: Peter Soba
Affiliation: Research Group Neuronal Patterning and Connectivity, ZMNH, Hamburg

WIR symposium:

In search of the fly glucagon

29 July 2019, 17:15 - 18:30
Location: Lectuer Hall A 102
Speaker: Martina Galikova
Affiliation: Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava

WIR seminar:

New insights into sexual and social communication in honeybees

22 July 2019
Talk by: Jean-Christophe Sandoz
Affiliation: CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette, France

WIR seminar:

An inordinate fondness for symbionts: mutualist-provided defense, digestion, and desiccation tolerance in beetles

15 July 2019
Talk by: Martin Kaltenpoth
Affiliation: Department for Evolutionary Ecology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

WIR seminar:

New neurochemical insights into the insect brain with a multi-faceted set of MS-based tools

24 June 2019
Talk by: Susanne Neupert
Affiliation: Universität Kassel, FB 10 Naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Tierphysiologie, Germany

WIR seminar:

Mechanisms of long-term changes in reinforcement sensitivity induced by associative learning in the honey bee

14 January 2019
Talk by: Martin Giurfa
Affiliation: Universität Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, France


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Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg


Email: wir@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de

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Jie Zhang


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